Stress Is Fucking Up Your Physique (And Everything Else) Bruh III

If you’re reading the third and final installment of our series on chronic stress, I am going to assume that you’ve found it both useful and thought provoking. Reversing a condition that has been slowly bleeding into your subconscious over the course of decades is no easy task: it presupposes the contradiction and rejection of many of our natural tendencies […]
Hey Asshole, You Are What You Eat – Comprende?

Look, before the villagers come a knocking with their pitchforks and torches, let’s get one thing straight: cheesecakes are awesome. So are burgers, chili cheese fries and 40 oz. chocolate milkshakes. Problem is, most people exercise, quite literally, ZERO common sense when making their quotidian food choices, preferring to wing it rather than to consciously map out and adopt […]
Ya Booze, Ya Snooze, Ya Lose

Alcohol and dieting, every trainee’s favorite topic of discussion. God, even Stephen Hawking would lose his marbles trying to enumerate the times I’ve had to sit my clients down, look em’ dead in the eye, and tell them that their drinking problem habits are derailing their gains. And before you even go there, get the fuck out with the whole “drinking red wine […]
Intermittent Fasting

In 2012 I wrote my review on the effects of intermittent fasting on animal and human health, published it on, and for a brief period of time broke the internet. I’m glad that you are here, trying to find it. I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that has been put […]
Want To Get JACKED? FUCK Cardio

The last time I went on a 10 Km was about 8 years ago. You want to know why? Because cardio fucking sucks, that’s why. Think of it this way: skipping out on a single slice of cheesecake will spare you an hour (or more) of torturous running, so If fat loss and sexitude are your PRIMARY goals, cardio […]
Don’t be an idiot. Eat your fucking protein

Whichever way you slice the argument, protein will ALWAYS be the cornerstone upon which a healthy nutritional protocol is built; barring those that have pre-existing renal dysfunctions, there really is no such thing as “too much protein”. And yet, the misguided consensus of the nutritional myth fairies has for some time been that high protein diets will […]