For over two years I’ve been working one on one with Dragan. When we first started, I was pretty much a newbie in the gym. As a high school athlete and then a coach, I had “lifted” but never with knowledge, purpose, or intent. Bench, curl, bench, curl, repeat.
Dragan has really exposed me to a whole other world as far as what can be done in (and out) of the gym. His programs are truly unique; not a cookie cutter, run of the mill approach. I can guarantee that what you get with will not see duplicated or replicated online or in your gym.
When we first started working together, I was a big, fat, mediocrely strong guy. Over the next year and change we proceeded to just kill it. Plainly put. I had my ups and downs but Dragan was there to guide me through them. Consistency over time was key. I went from a high of 282 to a low of 225.
And then over the better part of last year I fell off. I stopped caring and stopped “efforting”. I slowly let the weight creep back on. Be it through bad habits, stress, change, apathy, whatever, I undid much of the work we did.
Throughout this, Dragan was there. I think understanding and philosophically aware of what was going on; more so than I’ll probably ever comprehend.
Even through this period, the one thing that remained was consistency. He made sure I was consistently training and consistently working towards a better version of myself. I had more bad days than good days, but having good days was still having good days.
So now, even sitting at 275, I can say I’m bigger and stronger than at any point in the last two years. I feel better and look better.
If you’re looking for a quick fix, 3 month turn around, Dragan probably isn’t for you. But. If you are looking for someone who will be dedicated to you over the long run, take your life and all it’s fucked up intricacies, listen to your input, use it, give shit, give a shit enough to give you tough love when you need it, someone who is consistent, then look no further.